Source code for lookatme.render.markdown_block

Defines render functions that render lexed markdown block tokens into urwid

import pygments
import pygments.formatters
import pygments.lexers
import pygments.styles
import mistune
import re
import shlex
import urwid

import lookatme.config as config
from lookatme.contrib import contrib_first
import lookatme.render.pygments as pygments_render
import lookatme.render.markdown_inline as markdown_inline_renderer
from lookatme.utils import *
from lookatme.widgets.clickable_text import ClickableText

def _meta(item):
    if not hasattr(item, "meta"):
        meta = {}
        setattr(item, "meta", meta)
        meta = getattr(item, "meta")
    return meta

def _set_is_list(item, level=1, ordered=False):
        "is_list": True,
        "list_level": level,
        "ordered": ordered,
        "item_count": 0,

def _inc_item_count(item):
    _meta(item)["item_count"] += 1
    return _meta(item)["item_count"]

def _is_list(item):
    return _meta(item).get("is_list", False)

def _list_level(item):
    return _meta(item).get("list_level", 1)

[docs]@contrib_first def render_newline(token, body, stack, loop): """Render a newline See :any:`` for argument and return value descriptions. """ return urwid.Divider()
[docs]@contrib_first def render_hrule(token, body, stack, loop): """Render a newline See :any:`` for argument and return value descriptions. """ hrule_conf = config.STYLE["hrule"] div = urwid.Divider(hrule_conf['char'], top=1, bottom=1) return urwid.Pile([urwid.AttrMap(div, spec_from_style(hrule_conf['style']))])
[docs]@contrib_first def render_heading(token, body, stack, loop): """Render markdown headings, using the defined styles for the styling and prefix/suffix. See :any:`` for argument and return value descriptions. Below are the default stylings for headings: .. code-block:: yaml headings: '1': bg: default fg: '#9fc,bold' prefix: "██ " suffix: "" '2': bg: default fg: '#1cc,bold' prefix: "▓▓▓ " suffix: "" '3': bg: default fg: '#29c,bold' prefix: "▒▒▒▒ " suffix: "" '4': bg: default fg: '#66a,bold' prefix: "░░░░░ " suffix: "" default: bg: default fg: '#579,bold' prefix: "░░░░░ " suffix: "" :returns: A list of urwid Widgets or a single urwid Widget """ headings = config.STYLE["headings"] level = token["level"] style = config.STYLE["headings"].get(str(level), headings["default"]) prefix = styled_text(style["prefix"], style) suffix = styled_text(style["suffix"], style) rendered = render_text(text=token["text"]) if len(rendered) > 0: rendered = rendered[0] return [ urwid.Divider(), ClickableText([prefix] + styled_text(rendered, style) + [suffix]), urwid.Divider(), ]
[docs]@contrib_first def render_table(token, body, stack, loop): """Renders a table using the :any:`Table` widget. See :any:`` for argument and return value descriptions. The table widget makes use of the styles below: .. code-block:: yaml table: column_spacing: 3 header_divider: "─" :returns: A list of urwid Widgets or a single urwid Widget """ from lookatme.widgets.table import Table headers = token["header"] aligns = token["align"] cells = token["cells"] table = Table(cells, headers=headers, aligns=aligns) padding = urwid.Padding(table, width=table.total_width + 2, align="center") def table_changed(*args, **kwargs): padding.width = table.total_width + 2 urwid.connect_signal(table, "change", table_changed) return padding
[docs]@contrib_first def render_list_start(token, body, stack, loop): """Handles the indentation when starting rendering a new list. List items themselves (with the bullets) are rendered by the :any:`render_list_item_start` function. See :any:`` for argument and return value descriptions. """ res = urwid.Pile([]) in_list = _is_list(stack[-1]) list_level = 1 if in_list: list_level = _list_level(stack[-1]) + 1 _set_is_list(res, list_level, ordered=token['ordered']) _meta(res)['list_start_token'] = token _meta(res)['max_list_marker_width'] = token.get('max_list_marker_width', 2) stack.append(res) widgets = [] if not in_list: widgets.append(urwid.Divider()) widgets.append(urwid.Padding(res, left=2)) widgets.append(urwid.Divider()) return widgets return res
[docs]@contrib_first def render_list_end(token, body, stack, loop): """Pops the pushed ``urwid.Pile()`` from the stack (decreases indentation) See :any:`` for argument and return value descriptions. """ meta = _meta(stack[-1]) meta['list_start_token']['max_list_marker_width'] = meta['max_list_marker_width'] stack.pop()
def _list_item_start(token, body, stack, loop): """Render the start of a list item. This function makes use of two different styles, one each for unordered lists (bullet styles) and ordered lists (numbering styles): .. code-block:: yaml bullets: '1': "•" '2': "⁃" '3': "◦" default: "•" numbering: '1': "numeric" '2': "alpha" '3': "roman" default: "numeric" See :any:`` for argument and return value descriptions. """ list_level = _list_level(stack[-1]) curr_count = _inc_item_count(stack[-1]) pile = urwid.Pile(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([])) meta = _meta(stack[-1]) if meta["ordered"]: numbering = config.STYLE["numbering"] list_marker_type = numbering.get(str(list_level), numbering["default"]) sequence = { "numeric": lambda x: str(x), "alpha": lambda x: chr(ord("a") + x - 1), "roman": lambda x: int_to_roman(x), }[list_marker_type] list_marker = sequence(curr_count) + "." else: bullets = config.STYLE["bullets"] list_marker = bullets.get(str(list_level), bullets["default"]) marker_text = list_marker + " " if len(marker_text) > meta["max_list_marker_width"]: meta["max_list_marker_width"] = len(marker_text) marker_col_width = meta['max_list_marker_width'] res = urwid.Text(("bold", marker_text)) res = urwid.Columns([ (marker_col_width, urwid.Text(("bold", marker_text))), pile, ]) stack.append(pile) return res
[docs]@contrib_first def render_list_item_start(token, body, stack, loop): """Render the start of a list item. This function makes use of the styles: .. code-block:: yaml bullets: '1': "•" '2': "⁃" '3': "◦" default: "•" See :any:`` for argument and return value descriptions. """ return _list_item_start(token, body, stack, loop)
[docs]@contrib_first def render_loose_item_start(token, body, stack, loop): """Render the start of a list item. This function makes use of the styles: .. code-block:: yaml bullets: '1': "•" '2': "⁃" '3': "◦" default: "•" See :any:`` for argument and return value descriptions. """ return _list_item_start(token, body, stack, loop)
[docs]@contrib_first def render_list_item_end(token, body, stack, loop): """Pops the pushed ``urwid.Pile()`` from the stack (decreases indentation) See :any:`` for argument and return value descriptions. """ stack.pop()
[docs]@contrib_first def render_text(token=None, body=None, stack=None, loop=None, text=None): """Renders raw text. This function uses the inline markdown lexer from mistune with the :py:mod:`lookatme.render.markdown_inline` render module to render the lexed inline markup to a list composed of widgets or `urwid Text markup <>`_. The created list of widgets/Text markup is then used to create and return a list composed entirely of widgets and :any:`ClickableText` instances. Many other functions call this function directly, passing in the extra ``text`` argument and leaving all other arguments blank. See :any:`` for additional argument and return value descriptions. """ if text is None: text = token["text"] inline_lexer = mistune.InlineLexer(markdown_inline_renderer) res = inline_lexer.output(text) if len(res) == 0: res = [""] widget_list = [] curr_text_spec = [] for item in res: if isinstance(item, urwid.Widget): if len(curr_text_spec) > 0: widget_list.append(ClickableText(curr_text_spec)) curr_text_spec = [] widget_list.append(item) else: curr_text_spec.append(item) if len(curr_text_spec) > 0: widget_list.append(ClickableText(curr_text_spec)) return widget_list
[docs]@contrib_first def render_paragraph(token, body, stack, loop): """Renders the provided text with additional pre and post paddings. See :any:`` for additional argument and return value descriptions. """ token["text"] = token["text"].replace("\r\n", " ").replace("\n", " ") res = render_text(token, body, stack, loop) return [urwid.Divider()] + res + [urwid.Divider()]
[docs]@contrib_first def render_block_quote_start(token, body, stack, loop): """Begins rendering of a block quote. Pushes a new ``urwid.Pile()`` to the stack that is indented, has styling applied, and has the quote markers on the left. This function makes use of the styles: .. code-block:: yaml quote: top_corner: "┌" bottom_corner: "└" side: "╎" style: bg: default fg: italics,#aaa See :any:`` for additional argument and return value descriptions. """ pile = urwid.Pile([]) stack.append(pile) styles = config.STYLE["quote"] quote_side = styles["side"] quote_top_corner = styles["top_corner"] quote_bottom_corner = styles["bottom_corner"] quote_style = styles["style"] return [ urwid.Divider(), urwid.LineBox( urwid.AttrMap( urwid.Padding(pile, left=2), spec_from_style(quote_style), ), lline=quote_side, rline="", tline=" ", trcorner="", tlcorner=quote_top_corner, bline=" ", brcorner="", blcorner=quote_bottom_corner, ), urwid.Divider(), ]
[docs]@contrib_first def render_block_quote_end(token, body, stack, loop): """Pops the block quote start ``urwid.Pile()`` from the stack, taking future renderings out of the block quote styling. See :any:`` for additional argument and return value descriptions. """ pile = stack.pop() # remove leading/trailing divider if they were added to the pile if isinstance(pile.contents[0][0], urwid.Divider): pile.contents = pile.contents[1:] if isinstance(pile.contents[-1][0], urwid.Divider): pile.contents = pile.contents[:-1]
[docs]@contrib_first def render_code(token, body, stack, loop): """Renders a code block using the Pygments library. See :any:`` for additional argument and return value descriptions. """ lang = token.get("lang", "text") or "text" text = token["text"] res = pygments_render.render_text(text, lang=lang) return [ urwid.Divider(), res, urwid.Divider() ]