
Slides in lookatme are:

  • Separated by hrule elements: --- in Markdown
  • Resized to fit the current window


Slide metadata is contained within an optional YAML header:

title: TITLE
author: AUTHOR
date: 2019-12-02
extensions: []
styles: {}

Additional, unknown metadata fields are allowed at the top level. However, the styles field and subfields are strictly validated.


Extensions are lookatme contrib modules that redefine lookatme behavior. E.g., the lookatmecontrib.calendar example in the examples folder redefines the render_code function found in lookatme/render/

The original render_code function gives contrib extensions first-chance at handling any function calls. Contrib extensions are able to ignore function calls, and thus allow the default lookatme behavior, by raising the IgnoredByContrib exception:

import datetime
import calendar
import urwid

from lookatme.exceptions import IgnoredByContrib

def render_code(token, body, stack, loop):
    lang = token["lang"] or ""
    if lang != "calendar":
        raise IgnoredByContrib()

    today = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    return urwid.Text(calendar.month(today.year, today.month))


In addition to the --style and --theme CLI options for lookatme, the slide metadata may explicitly override styling behaviors within lookatme:

title: TITLE
author: AUTHOR
date: 2019-12-02
  style: monokai
    column_spacing: 3
    header_divider: "-"

# Slide 1


The final, resolved styling settings that will be used when displaying a markdown source is viewable by adding the --dump-styles flag as a command-line argument.

See the Default Style Settings for a full list of available, overrideable styles.