lookatme.render.markdown_block module

Defines render functions that render lexed markdown block tokens into urwid representations

lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_block_quote_end(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Pops the block quote start urwid.Pile() from the stack, taking future renderings out of the block quote styling.

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for additional argument and return value descriptions.

lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_block_quote_start(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Begins rendering of a block quote. Pushes a new urwid.Pile() to the stack that is indented, has styling applied, and has the quote markers on the left.

This function makes use of the styles:

  top_corner: "┌"
  bottom_corner: "└"
  side: "╎"
    bg: default
    fg: italics,#aaa

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for additional argument and return value descriptions.

lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_code(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Renders a code block using the Pygments library.

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for additional argument and return value descriptions.

lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_heading(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Render markdown headings, using the defined styles for the styling and prefix/suffix.

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for argument and return value descriptions.

Below are the default stylings for headings:

    bg: default
    fg: '#9fc,bold'
    prefix: "██ "
    suffix: ""
    bg: default
    fg: '#1cc,bold'
    prefix: "▓▓▓ "
    suffix: ""
    bg: default
    fg: '#29c,bold'
    prefix: "▒▒▒▒ "
    suffix: ""
    bg: default
    fg: '#66a,bold'
    prefix: "░░░░░ "
    suffix: ""
    bg: default
    fg: '#579,bold'
    prefix: "░░░░░ "
    suffix: ""
Returns:A list of urwid Widgets or a single urwid Widget
lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_list_end(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Pops the pushed urwid.Pile() from the stack (decreases indentation)

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for argument and return value descriptions.

lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_list_item_end(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Pops the pushed urwid.Pile() from the stack (decreases indentation)

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for argument and return value descriptions.

lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_list_item_start(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Render the start of a list item. This function makes use of the styles:

  '1': "•"
  '2': "⁃"
  '3': "◦"
  default: "•"

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for argument and return value descriptions.

lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_list_start(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Handles the indentation when starting rendering a new list. List items themselves (with the bullets) are rendered by the render_list_item_start function.

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for argument and return value descriptions.

lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_loose_item_start(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Render the start of a list item. This function makes use of the styles:

  '1': "•"
  '2': "⁃"
  '3': "◦"
  default: "•"

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for argument and return value descriptions.

lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_paragraph(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Renders the provided text with additional pre and post paddings.

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for additional argument and return value descriptions.

lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_table(token, body, stack, loop)[source]

Renders a table using the Table widget.

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for argument and return value descriptions.

The table widget makes use of the styles below:

  column_spacing: 3
  header_divider: "─"
Returns:A list of urwid Widgets or a single urwid Widget
lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_text(token=None, body=None, stack=None, loop=None, text=None)[source]

Renders raw text. This function uses the inline markdown lexer from mistune with the lookatme.render.markdown_inline render module to render the lexed inline markup to urwid Text markup. The created Text markup is then used to create and return a ClickableText instance.

Many other functions call this function directly, passing in the extra text argument and leaving all other arguments blank.

See lookatme.tui.SlideRenderer.do_render for additional argument and return value descriptions.