Source code for

This module defines the text user interface (TUI) for lookatme

from collections import defaultdict
import copy
import threading
import time
from queue import Queue
import urwid

import lookatme.config
import lookatme.config as config
import lookatme.contrib
import lookatme.render.markdown_block as lam_md
from lookatme.utils import pile_add, spec_from_style

[docs]def text(style, data, align="left"): if isinstance(style, dict): style = spec_from_style(style) return urwid.Text((style, data), align=align)
[docs]class SlideRenderer(threading.Thread): daemon = True def __init__(self, loop): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = defaultdict(threading.Event) self.keep_running = threading.Event() self.queue = Queue() self.loop = loop self.cache = {} self._log = lookatme.config.LOG.getChild("RENDER")
[docs] def flush_cache(self): """Clea everything out of the queue and the cache. """ # clear all pending items with self.queue.mutex: self.queue.queue.clear() self.cache.clear()
[docs] def queue_render(self, slide): """Queue up a slide to be rendered. """[slide.number].clear() self.queue.put(slide)
[docs] def render_slide(self, slide, force=False): """Render a slide, blocking until the slide completes. If ``force`` is True, rerender the slide even if it is in the cache. """ if force or slide.number not in self.cache:[slide.number].clear() self.queue.put(slide)[slide.number].wait() res = self.cache[slide.number] if isinstance(res, Exception): raise res return res
[docs] def get_slide(self, slide_number): """Fetch the slide from the cache """ self.locks[slide_number].wait() return self.cache[slide.number]
def _propagate_meta(self, item1, item2): """Copy the metadata from item1 to item2 """ meta = getattr(item1, "meta", {}) existing_meta = getattr(item2, "meta", {}) new_meta = copy.deepcopy(meta) new_meta.update(existing_meta) setattr(item2, "meta", new_meta)
[docs] def stop(self): self.keep_running.clear()
[docs] def run(self): """Run the main render thread """ self.keep_running.set() while self.keep_running.is_set(): to_render = self.queue.get() slide_num = to_render.number try: res = self.do_render(to_render, slide_num) self.cache[slide_num] = res except Exception as e: self.cache[slide_num] = e finally:[slide_num].set()
[docs] def do_render(self, to_render, slide_num): """Perform the actual rendering of a slide. This is done by: * parsing the slide into tokens (should have occurred already) * iterating through each parsed markdown token * calling the appropriately-named render function for the ``token["type"]`` in :py:mod:`lookatme.render.markdown_block` Each render function must have the signature: .. code-block:: python def render_XXX(token, body, stack, loop): pass The arguments to the render function are described below: * ``token`` - the lexed markdown token - a dictionary * ``body`` - the current ``urwid.Pile()`` that return values will be added to (same as ``stack[-1]``) * ``stack`` - The stack of ``urwid.Pile()`` used during rendering. E.g., when rendering nested lists, each nested list will push a new ``urwid.Pile()`` to the stack, each wrapped with its own additional indentation. * ``loop`` - the ``urwid.MainLoop`` instance being used by lookatme. This won't usually be used, but is available if needed. Main render functions (those defined in may have three types of return values: * ``None`` - nothing is added to ``stack[-1]``. Perhaps the render function only needed to add additional indentation by pushing a new ``urwid.Pile()`` to the stack. * ``list(urwid.Widget)`` - A list of widgets to render. These will automatically be added to the Pile at ``stack[-1]`` * ``urwid.Widget`` - A single widget to render. Will be added to ``stack[-1]`` automatically. """ self._log.debug(f"Rendering slide {slide_num}") start = time.time() # initial processing loop - results are discarded, but render functions # may add extra metadata to the token itself. For example, list rendering # uses this to determine the max indent size for each level. tokens = to_render.tokens self._render_tokens(tokens) res = self._render_tokens(tokens) total = time.time() - start self._log.debug(f"Rendered slide {slide_num} in {total}") return res
def _render_tokens(self, tokens): tmp_pile = urwid.Pile([]) stack = [tmp_pile] for token in tokens: self._log.debug(f"{' '*len(stack)}Rendering token {token}") last_stack = stack[-1] last_stack_len = len(stack) #render_token = getattr(lam_md, f"render_{token['type']}", lambda *args: None) render_token = getattr(lam_md, f"render_{token['type']}") res = render_token(token, stack[-1], stack, self.loop) if len(stack) > last_stack_len: self._propagate_meta(last_stack, stack[-1]) if res is None: continue pile_add(last_stack, res) return tmp_pile.contents
[docs]class MarkdownTui(urwid.Frame): def __init__(self, pres, start_idx=0): """ """ self.slide_body = urwid.Pile(urwid.SimpleListWalker([urwid.Text("test")])) self.slide_title = text("", "", "center") self.creation = text("", "") self.slide_num = text("", " test ", "right") self.slide_footer = urwid.Columns([self.creation, self.slide_num]) self._log = lookatme.config.LOG urwid.set_encoding('utf8') screen = urwid.raw_display.Screen() screen.set_terminal_properties(colors=256) self.loop = urwid.MainLoop( urwid.Padding(self, left=2, right=2), screen=screen, ) # used to track slides that are being rendered self.slide_renderer = SlideRenderer(self.loop) self.slide_renderer.start() self.pres = pres self.prep_pres(self.pres, start_idx) urwid.Frame.__init__( self, urwid.Padding(urwid.Filler(self.slide_body, valign="top", top=2), left=10, right=10), self.slide_title, self.slide_footer, )
[docs] def prep_pres(self, pres, start_idx=0): """Prepare the presentation for displaying/use """ self.curr_slide = self.pres.slides[start_idx] self.update() # now queue up the rest of the slides while we're at it so they'll be # ready when we need them for slide in filter(lambda x: x.number != start_idx, self.pres.slides): self.slide_renderer.queue_render(slide)
[docs] def update_slide_num(self): """Update the slide number """ slide_text = "slide {} / {}".format( self.curr_slide.number + 1, len(self.pres.slides), ) date = self.pres.meta.get('date', '') spec = spec_from_style(config.STYLE["slides"]) self.slide_num.set_text([(spec, slide_text)])
[docs] def update_title(self): """Update the title """ title = self.pres.meta.get("title", "") spec = spec_from_style(config.STYLE["title"]) self.slide_title.set_text([(spec, f" {title} ")])
[docs] def update_creation(self): """Update the author and date """ author = self.pres.meta.get('author', '') author_spec = spec_from_style(config.STYLE["author"]) date = self.pres.meta.get('date', '') date_spec = spec_from_style(config.STYLE["date"]) self.creation.set_text([ (author_spec, f" {author} "), (date_spec, f" {date} "), ])
[docs] def update_body(self): """Render the provided slide body """ rendered = self.slide_renderer.render_slide(self.curr_slide) self.slide_body.contents = rendered
[docs] def update(self): """ """ self.update_slide_num() self.update_title() self.update_creation() self.update_body()
[docs] def reload(self): """Reload the input, keeping the current slide in focus """ curr_slide_idx = self.curr_slide.number self.slide_renderer.flush_cache() self.pres.reload() self.prep_pres(self.pres, curr_slide_idx) self.update()
[docs] def keypress(self, size, key): """Handle keypress events """ try: key = urwid.Frame.keypress(self, size, key) if key is None: return except: pass slide_direction = 0 if key in ["left", "up", "backspace", "delete", "h", "k"]: slide_direction = -1 elif key in ["right", "down", " ", "j", "l"]: slide_direction = 1 elif key in ["q", "Q"]: lookatme.contrib.shutdown_contribs() raise urwid.ExitMainLoop() elif key == "r": self.reload() if slide_direction != 0: new_slide_num = self.curr_slide.number + slide_direction if new_slide_num < 0: new_slide_num = 0 elif new_slide_num >= len(self.pres.slides): new_slide_num = len(self.pres.slides) - 1 if new_slide_num == self.curr_slide.number: return self.curr_slide = self.pres.slides[new_slide_num] self.update() return
[docs] def run(self):
[docs]def create_tui(pres, start_slide=0): """Run the provided presentation :param int start_slide: 0-based slide index """ tui = MarkdownTui(pres, start_slide) return tui