Source code for lookatme.contrib.terminal

This module defines a built-in contrib module that enables terminal embedding
within a slide.

import re
import shlex
from typing import Dict

import urwid
import yaml
from marshmallow import Schema, fields

import lookatme.config
import lookatme.render
import lookatme.render.markdown_block
from lookatme.exceptions import IgnoredByContrib
from lookatme.render.context import Context

[docs]def user_warnings(): """Provide warnings to the user that loading this extension may cause shell commands specified in the markdown to be run. """ return [ "Code-blocks with a language starting with 'terminal' will cause shell", " commands from the source markdown to be run", "See", " for more details", ]
[docs]class YamlRender:
[docs] @staticmethod def loads(data): return yaml.safe_load(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def dumps(data): return yaml.safe_dump(data)
[docs]class TerminalExSchema(Schema): """The schema used for ``terminal-ex`` code blocks.""" command = fields.Str() rows = fields.Int(dump_default=10, load_default=10) init_text = fields.Str(dump_default=None, load_default=None) init_wait = fields.Str(dump_default=None, load_default=None) init_codeblock = fields.Bool(dump_default=True, load_default=True) init_codeblock_lang = fields.Str(dump_default="text", load_default="text")
[docs] class Meta: render_module = YamlRender
[docs] def loads(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict: res = super(self.__class__, self).loads(*args, **kwargs) if res is None: raise ValueError("Could not loads") if not isinstance(res, dict): raise ValueError("Expected a dict") return res
[docs] def load(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict: res = super(self.__class__, self).load(*args, **kwargs) if res is None: raise ValueError("Could not load") if not isinstance(res, dict): raise ValueError("Expected a dict") return res
[docs]def render_fence(token, ctx: Context): info = token.get("info", "text") lang = info.split()[0] numbered_term_match = re.match(r"terminal(\d+)", lang) if lang != "terminal-ex" and numbered_term_match is None: raise IgnoredByContrib if numbered_term_match is not None: term_data = TerminalExSchema().load( { "command": token["content"].strip(), "rows": int(, "init_codeblock": False, } ) else: term_data = TerminalExSchema().loads(token["content"]) if term_data["init_text"] is not None and term_data["init_wait"] is not None: init = term_data["init_text"] if init.endswith("\n"): init = init[:-1] term_data["command"] = " ".join( [ shlex.quote(x) for x in [ "expect", "-c", ";".join( [ "spawn -noecho {}".format(term_data["command"]), "expect {{{}}}".format(term_data["init_wait"]), "send {{{}}}".format(init), "interact", "exit", ] ), ] ] ) term = urwid.Terminal( shlex.split(term_data["command"].strip()), main_loop=ctx.loop, encoding="utf8", ) CREATED_TERMS.append(term) line_box = urwid.LineBox(urwid.BoxAdapter(term, height=term_data["rows"])) line_box.no_cache = ["render"] res = [] if term_data["init_codeblock"] is True: fake_token = { "content": term_data["init_text"], "info": term_data["init_codeblock_lang"], } with ctx.use_tokens([fake_token]): lookatme.render.markdown_block.render_fence( fake_token, ctx, ) ctx.widget_add( [ urwid.Divider(), line_box, urwid.Divider(), ], wrap=True, ) return res
[docs]def shutdown(): for idx, term in enumerate(CREATED_TERMS): lookatme.config.get_log().debug( f"Terminating terminal {idx+1}/{len(CREATED_TERMS)}" ) if is not None: term.terminate()