Source code for lookatme.parser

This module defines the parser for the markdown presentation file

import re
from collections import defaultdict
import copy
from typing import cast, AnyStr, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple

import markdown_it
import markdown_it.token

from lookatme.schemas import MetaSchema
from lookatme.slide import Slide
from lookatme.tutorial import tutor
import lookatme.utils as utils

def _set_map_for_inline(token: Dict):
    start = token["map"][0]
    for child in token["children"]:
        child["map"] = [start, start + 1]
        if child["type"] == "softbreak":
            start += 1

[docs]def md_to_tokens(md_text): md = markdown_it.MarkdownIt("gfm-like").disable("html_block") tokens = md.parse(md_text) res = [] for token_tmp in tokens: token = cast(Dict, token_tmp.as_dict()) if token["type"] in ("heading_open", "heading_close"): token["level"] = int(token["tag"].replace("h", "")) if token["type"] == "inline": _set_map_for_inline(token) res.append(token) return res
[docs]def is_heading(token): return token["type"] == "heading_open"
[docs]def is_hrule(token): return token["type"] == "hr"
[docs]class SlideIsolator: def __init__(self): self.slide_tokens = [] self.slides = [] self.number = 0
[docs] def create_slides(self, tokens, number) -> List[Slide]: self.slide_tokens = [] self.slides: List[Slide] = [] self.number = number self._isolate_progressive_slides(tokens, self.slide_tokens) if not self.slides or ( self.slides and self.slides[-1].tokens != self.slide_tokens ): self._isolate_slide() return self.slides
def _is_progressive_slide_delimiter(self, token: Dict) -> bool: return ( token["type"] == "html_inline" and re.match(r"<!--\s*stop\s*-->", token["content"]) is not None ) def _isolate_progressive_slides( self, input_tokens: List[Dict], output_tokens: List[Dict], ): """Recursively iterate through the provided input tokens, calling the isolate_slide callback whenever a progressive slide token is found. Also adding all iterated tokens back into the output_tokens list. """ for token in input_tokens: if self._is_progressive_slide_delimiter(token): self._isolate_slide() continue children = token.get("children", None) if children is not None: # shallow copy here is fine - we only care about zeroing out the # children and adding the children back in one-by-one output_token = copy.copy(token) output_token["children"] = [] output_tokens.append(output_token) self._isolate_progressive_slides( children, output_token["children"], ) else: output_tokens.append(token) def _isolate_slide(self): self.slides.append(Slide(copy.deepcopy(self.slide_tokens), self.number)) self.number += 1
[docs]class Parser(object): """A parser for markdown presentation files""" def __init__(self, single_slide=False): """Create a new Parser instance""" self._single_slide = single_slide
[docs] def parse(self, input_data) -> Tuple[Dict, List[Slide], str]: """Parse the provided input data into a Presentation object :param str input_data: The input markdown presentation to parse """ no_meta_input_data, meta = self.parse_meta(input_data) slides = self.parse_slides(meta, no_meta_input_data) return meta, slides, no_meta_input_data
[docs] def parse_slides(self, meta, input_data) -> List[Slide]: """Parse the Slide out of the input data :param dict meta: The parsed meta values :param str input_data: The input data string :returns: List[Slide] """ tokens = md_to_tokens(input_data) utils.debug_print_tokens(tokens) num_hrules, hinfo = self._scan_for_smart_split(tokens) keep_split_token = True if self._single_slide: return [Slide(tokens, 0)] if num_hrules == 0: if meta.get("title", "") in ["", None]: meta["title"] = hinfo["title"] def slide_split_check(token): # type: ignore nonlocal hinfo return is_heading(token) and token["level"] == hinfo["lowest_non_title"] def heading_mod(token): # type: ignore nonlocal hinfo token["level"] = max( token["level"] - (hinfo["title_level"] or 0), 1, ) keep_split_token = True else: def slide_split_check(token): # type: ignore return is_hrule(token) def heading_mod(_): # type: ignore pass keep_split_token = False slides = self._split_tokens_into_slides( tokens, slide_split_check, heading_mod, keep_split_token ) return slides
def _split_tokens_into_slides( self, tokens: List[Dict], slide_split_check: Callable, heading_mod: Callable, keep_split_token: bool, ) -> List[Slide]: """Split the provided tokens into slides using the slide_split_check and heading_mod arguments. """ slides = [] curr_slide_tokens = [] for token in tokens: should_split = slide_split_check(token) if is_heading(token): heading_mod(token) # new slide! if should_split: if ( keep_split_token and len(slides) == 0 and len(curr_slide_tokens) == 0 ): pass else: slides.extend(self._create_slides(curr_slide_tokens, len(slides))) curr_slide_tokens = [] if keep_split_token: curr_slide_tokens.append(token) continue else: curr_slide_tokens.append(token) slides.extend(self._create_slides(curr_slide_tokens, len(slides))) return slides def _get_heading_contents(self, tokens, start_idx): num_heading_opens = 0 res = [] for token in tokens[start_idx:]: if token["type"] == "heading_open": num_heading_opens += 1 elif token["type"] == "heading_close": num_heading_opens -= 1 if num_heading_opens == 0: break else: res.append(token) return res @tutor( "general", "slides splitting", r""" Slides can be: ## Separated by horizontal rules (three or more `*`, `-`, or `_`) ```markdown slide 1 *** slide 2 ``` ## Split using existing headings ("smart" splitting) ```markdown # Slide 1 # Slide 2 ``` ## Rendered as a single slide with the `--single` or `--one` CLI parameter ```bash lookatme --single ``` """, order=2, ) def _scan_for_smart_split(self, tokens): """Scan the provided tokens for the number of hrules, and the lowest (h1 < h2) header level. :returns: tuple (num_hrules, lowest_header_level) """ hinfo = { "title_level": None, "lowest_non_title": 10, "counts": defaultdict(int), "title": "", } num_hrules = 0 first_heading = None first_heading_contents = None for idx, token in enumerate(tokens): if is_hrule(token): num_hrules += 1 elif is_heading(token): hinfo["counts"][token["level"]] += 1 if first_heading is None: first_heading = token first_heading_contents = self._get_heading_contents(tokens, idx) # started off with the lowest heading, make this title if ( hinfo["counts"] and first_heading and isinstance(first_heading_contents, list) and hinfo["counts"][first_heading["level"]] == 1 ): map_start = first_heading_contents[0]["map"] map_end = first_heading_contents[-1]["map"] hinfo["title"] = ( [{"type": "paragraph_open", "map": [map_start[0], map_start[0] + 1]}] + first_heading_contents + [{"type": "paragraph_close", "map": [map_end[-1] - 1, map_end[-1]]}] ) del hinfo["counts"][first_heading["level"]] hinfo["title_level"] = first_heading["level"] low_level = min(list(hinfo["counts"].keys()) + [10]) hinfo["title_level"] = low_level - 1 hinfo["lowest_non_title"] = low_level return num_hrules, hinfo
[docs] @tutor( "general", "metadata", r""" The YAML metadata that can be prefixed in slides includes these top level fields: ```yaml --- title: "title" date: "date" author: "author" extensions: - extension 1 # .. list of extensions styles: # .. nested style fields .. --- ``` > **NOTE** The `styles` field will be explained in detail with each markdown > element. """, order=3, ) def parse_meta(self, input_data) -> Tuple[AnyStr, Dict]: """Parse the PresentationMeta out of the input data :param str input_data: The input data string :returns: tuple of (remaining_data, meta) """ found_first = False yaml_data = [] skipped_chars = 0 for line in input_data.split("\n"): skipped_chars += len(line) + 1 stripped_line = line.strip() is_marker = re.match(r"----*", stripped_line) is not None if is_marker: if not found_first: found_first = True # found the second one else: break if found_first and not is_marker: yaml_data.append(line) continue # there was no ----* marker if not found_first and stripped_line != "": break if not found_first: return input_data, MetaSchema().load_partial_styles({}, partial=True) new_input = input_data[skipped_chars:] if len(yaml_data) == 0: return new_input, MetaSchema().load_partial_styles({}, partial=True) yaml_data = "\n".join(yaml_data) data = MetaSchema().loads_partial_styles(yaml_data, partial=True) return new_input, data
@tutor( "general", "progressive slides", r""" Slides can be progressively displayed by inserting `<!-- stop -->` comments anywhere in the markdown. <TUTOR:EXAMPLE> This will display first, and after you press advance ...<!-- stop --> * this <!-- stop --> * displays <!-- stop --> | and <!-- stop --> | then <!-- stop --> | |-------------------|------------------------| | this | and this | <!-- stop --> and finally this! </TUTOR:EXAMPLE> """, order=2, ) def _create_slides(self, tokens, number): """Create additional slides from the provided token stream, splitting wherever progressive slide markers are found. """ slide_isolator = SlideIsolator() return slide_isolator.create_slides(tokens, number)