Source code for lookatme.render.html

This module renders lookatme slides to HTML

from collections import deque
from contextlib import contextmanager
import re
from typing import Dict, Optional

import urwid

import lookatme.config as config
from lookatme.widgets.clickable_text import LinkIndicatorSpec
import lookatme.utils as utils

[docs]class HtmlContext: def __init__(self): self.output = deque()
[docs] @contextmanager def use_tag( self, tag_name: str, classname: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, style: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, **other_attrs, ): attrs = other_attrs if classname: attrs["class"] = classname if id: attrs["id"] = id if style: attrs["style"] = "; ".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in style.items()) attrs_str = "" if attrs: attrs_str = " ".join(f'{key}="{val}"' for key, val in attrs.items()) attrs_str = " " + attrs_str self.output.append(f"<{tag_name}{attrs_str}>") yield self.output.append(f"</{tag_name}>")
[docs] @contextmanager def use_spec(self, spec: Optional[urwid.AttrSpec], render_images: bool = True): if spec is None: yield return tag = "span" extra_attrs = {} styles = {} swap_fg_bg_colors = False for part in spec.foreground.split(","): part = part.strip().lower() if part.startswith("#"): styles["color"] = part elif part == "underline": decoration = styles.setdefault("text-decoration", "") styles["text-decoration"] = decoration + " underline" elif part == "blink": extra_attrs["classname"] = "blink" elif part == "bold": styles["font-weight"] = "bold" elif part == "italics": styles["font-style"] = "italic" elif part == "standout": swap_fg_bg_colors = True elif part == "strikethrough": decoration = styles.setdefault("text-decoration", "") styles["text-decoration"] = decoration + " strikethrough" if isinstance(spec, LinkIndicatorSpec) and render_images: if spec.link_type == "link": tag = "a" extra_attrs["href"] = spec.link_target extra_attrs["target"] = "blank" elif spec.link_type == "image": tag = "img" extra_attrs["src"] = spec.link_target if spec.background.startswith("#"): styles["background-color"] = spec.background if swap_fg_bg_colors: fg = styles.get("color", "") bg = styles.get("background-color", "") styles["color"] = bg styles["background-color"] = fg with self.use_tag(tag, style=styles, **extra_attrs): yield
[docs] def write(self, content: str): self.output.append(content)
[docs] def get_html(self): return "".join(self.output)
[docs] def get_html_consumed(self): res = self.get_html() self.output = [] return res
def _sanitize(text: str) -> str: return text.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;") def _keep_text(text_idx: int, text: str, keep_range: range) -> str: text_stop = text_idx + len(text) if text_stop < keep_range.start: return "" if text_idx > keep_range.stop: return "" start = max(keep_range.start, text_idx) stop = min(text_stop, keep_range.stop) return text[start - text_idx : stop - text_idx] def _space_span_replace(match: re.Match) -> str: spaces = return f"<span style='padding-left: {len(spaces)}ch'></span>"
[docs]def canvas_to_html( ctx: HtmlContext, canvas: urwid.Canvas, only_keep: Optional[str] = None, render_images: bool = True, ): for idx, row in enumerate(canvas.content()): only_keep_range = None if only_keep: start_idx = canvas.text[idx].decode().find(only_keep) if start_idx == -1: continue only_keep_range = range(start_idx, start_idx + len(only_keep)) text_idx = 0 for spec, _, text in row: text = text.decode() if only_keep_range: new_text = _keep_text(text_idx, text, only_keep_range) text_idx += len(text) text = new_text text = _sanitize(text) if getattr(spec, "preserve_spaces", False): text = text.replace(" ", "&nbsp;") else: text = re.sub(r"( {2,})", _space_span_replace, text) if text == "": continue with ctx.use_spec(spec, render_images=render_images): ctx.write(text) if idx != len(canvas.text) - 1: ctx.write("<br/>\n")
[docs]def add_styles_to_context(context: Dict): styles = config.get_style() flattened_styles = {} utils.flatten_dict(styles, flattened_styles, ["styles"]) context.update(flattened_styles)