Source code for lookatme.widgets.codeblock

This module defines an urwid Widget that renders a codeblock

import itertools
import re
from typing import Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple

import pygments
from pygments.lexer import Lexer
import pygments.lexers
import pygments.styles
from import StyleMeta
import pygments.util
import pygments.token
import re
import urwid

from lookatme.widgets.smart_attr_spec import SmartAttrSpec
from lookatme.widgets.line_fill import LineFill
import lookatme.utils as utils
import lookatme.utils.colors as colors


[docs]def guess_lang(content: str) -> str: if content.startswith("#!"): lexer = pygments.lexers.guess_lexer(content) if "text" not in lexer.aliases: # type: ignore return lexer.aliases[0] # type: ignore lang = "text" curly_braces ="[\{\}]", content) is not None variable_assign ="[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\s*=\s*[^=$]", content) is not None pointers ="[a-zA-Z_0-9]->[a-zA-Z0-9_]", content) is not None def_functions ="\s*def [a-zA-Z0-9_]+", content) is not None function_calls = ("[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*([^)]+)", content, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) is not None ) if curly_braces or variable_assign or function_calls: lang = "javascript" if pointers: lang = "c++" elif def_functions: lang = "ruby" return lang
[docs]def supported_langs() -> Set[str]: global AVAILABLE_LEXERS if len(AVAILABLE_LEXERS) == 0: AVAILABLE_LEXERS = set( itertools.chain(*[x[1] for x in pygments.lexers.get_all_lexers()]) ) return AVAILABLE_LEXERS
LEXER_CACHE: Dict[str, Lexer] = {}
[docs]def get_lexer(lang, default="text") -> Lexer: lexer = LEXER_CACHE.get(lang, None) if lexer is None: try: lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name(lang) except pygments.util.ClassNotFound: lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name(default) LEXER_CACHE[lang] = lexer return lexer
[docs]def supported_styles() -> Mapping[str, str]: return pygments.styles.STYLE_MAP
[docs]class SyntaxHlStyle: """Stores urwid styles for each token type for a specific pygments syntax highlighting style. """ def __init__( self, name: str, styles: Dict[str, SmartAttrSpec], pygments_style: StyleMeta, default_fg: str, bg_override: Optional[str] = None, ): = name self.styles = styles self.pygments_style = pygments_style self.default_fg = default_fg self.bg_override = bg_override bg_color = self.bg_override or self.pygments_style.background_color self.bg_spec = SmartAttrSpec(fg="", bg=bg_color) hl_color = colors.get_highlight_color(bg_color) self.highlight_spec = SmartAttrSpec("bold", hl_color) if self.bg_override: self.bg_spec.background = bg_override self.line_number_spec = utils.overwrite_spec( SmartAttrSpec( fg=self._to_urwid_color( self.pygments_style.line_number_color, self.default_fg, ), bg=self._to_urwid_color( self.pygments_style.line_number_background_color, self.bg_spec.background, # type: ignore ), ), self.get_style_spec("Token.Comment", False), ) self.line_number_spec_hl = utils.overwrite_spec( self.line_number_spec, self.highlight_spec ) def _to_urwid_color(self, val: str, inherit_val: str) -> str: if val in ("inherit", "transparent", None): return inherit_val return val
[docs] def get_line_number_spec(self, do_hl: bool = False) -> SmartAttrSpec: if do_hl: return self.line_number_spec_hl else: return self.line_number_spec
[docs] def get_style_spec(self, token_type: str, highlight: bool) -> SmartAttrSpec: """Attempt to find the closest matching style for the provided token type. """ token_type = str(token_type) parts = token_type.split(".") spec = None while len(token_type) > 0: token_type = ".".join(parts) existing_style = self.styles.get(token_type, None) if existing_style is not None: spec = existing_style break parts = parts[:-1] if spec is None: spec = self.styles[token_type] if highlight: spec = utils.overwrite_spec(spec, self.highlight_spec) else: spec = utils.overwrite_spec(spec, self.bg_spec) if "default" in spec.foreground: spec.foreground = utils.overwrite_style( {"fg": spec.foreground}, {"fg": self.default_fg} )["fg"] colors.ensure_contrast(spec) spec.preserve_spaces = True return spec
[docs]class StyleCache: """Caches the highlight styles for loaded pygments syntax highlighting styles. """ def __init__( self, default_fg: Optional[str] = None, bg_override: Optional[str] = None, ): self.default_fg = default_fg or "default" self.bg_override = bg_override self.cache: Dict[str, SyntaxHlStyle] = {}
[docs] def get_style(self, style_name: str) -> SyntaxHlStyle: """Return the highlight style for the specified pygments style name. If the style name isn't found, the "text" style will be used instead. """ if style_name not in self.cache: self.cache[style_name] = self.load_style(style_name) return self.cache[style_name]
[docs] def is_valid_style(self, style_name: str) -> bool: """Return whether the style name is a valid pygments style""" return style_name in supported_styles()
[docs] def load_style(self, style_name: str) -> SyntaxHlStyle: if not self.is_valid_style(style_name): style_name = "text" pygments_style = pygments.styles.get_style_by_name(style_name) style_dict = {} for token_type, style_info in pygments_style: fg_color = style_info.get("color", None) fg = "#" + fg_color if fg_color else "default" bg_color = style_info.get("bgcolor", None) bg = "#" + bg_color if bg_color else "default" if style_info.get("bold", False): fg += ",bold" # type: ignore if style_info.get("italics", False): fg += ",italics" # type: ignore if style_info.get("underline", False): fg += ",underline" # type: ignore style_dict[str(token_type)] = SmartAttrSpec(fg, bg) return SyntaxHlStyle( style_name, style_dict, pygments_style, default_fg=self.default_fg, bg_override=self.bg_override, )
[docs]def clear_cache(): global STYLE_CACHE STYLE_CACHE = None LEXER_CACHE.clear()
[docs]def get_style_cache( default_fg: Optional[str] = None, bg_override: Optional[str] = None, ) -> StyleCache: global STYLE_CACHE if STYLE_CACHE is None: STYLE_CACHE = StyleCache(default_fg, bg_override) return STYLE_CACHE
[docs]def tokens_to_markup( line: List[Tuple[str, str]], style: SyntaxHlStyle, do_hl: bool = False ) -> List[Tuple[SmartAttrSpec, str]]: res = [] for token_type, token_val in line: spec = style.get_style_spec(token_type, do_hl) res.append((spec, token_val)) if len(res) == 0: res.append("") return res
[docs]def tokens_to_lines(tokens) -> List[List[Tuple[str, str]]]: lines = [] curr_line = [] token_stack = list(reversed([x for x in tokens])) while len(token_stack) > 0: ttype, tstring = token_stack.pop() if "\n" in tstring and tstring != "\n": for line_part in reversed(re.split(r"(\n)", tstring)): if len(line_part) == 0: continue token_stack.append((ttype, line_part)) continue if tstring == "\n": lines.append(curr_line) curr_line = [] continue curr_line.append((ttype, tstring)) return lines
[docs]class CodeBlock(urwid.Pile): def __init__( self, source: str, lang: str = "text", style_name: str = "monokai", line_numbers: bool = False, start_line_number: int = 1, hl_lines: Optional[List[range]] = None, default_fg: Optional[str] = None, bg_override: Optional[str] = None, ): self.source = source self.lang = lang self.line_numbers = line_numbers self.start_line_number = start_line_number self.hl_lines = hl_lines or [] = get_style_cache( default_fg=default_fg, bg_override=bg_override, ).get_style(style_name) contents = self._create_contents() super().__init__(contents) def _create_contents(self) -> List[urwid.Columns]: """Create the contents that will be used in the Pile""" tokens = get_lexer(self.lang).get_tokens(self.source) res = [] lines = tokens_to_lines(tokens) max_line_num_width = len(str(self.start_line_number + len(lines))) line_num_format_str = " {:" + str(max_line_num_width) + "} " line_num_col_width = len(line_num_format_str.format(0)) for idx, line in enumerate(lines): line_num = idx + self.start_line_number do_hl = self._should_hl_line(line_num) columns = [] box_columns = [] if self.line_numbers: line_num_text = line_num_format_str.format(line_num) line_num_spec = columns.append( (line_num_col_width, urwid.Text((line_num_spec, line_num_text))) ) columns.append( ( 1, LineFill( beg_chars="", fill_char="│", end_chars="", fill_spec=line_num_spec, orientation=LineFill.VERTICAL, ), ) ) columns.append( ( 1, LineFill( beg_chars="", fill_char=" ", end_chars="", fill_spec=line_num_spec, orientation=LineFill.VERTICAL, ), ) ) box_columns.append(1) box_columns.append(2) line_text = urwid.Text(tokens_to_markup(line,, do_hl)) columns.append(line_text) row = urwid.Columns(columns, box_columns=box_columns) wrap_spec = if do_hl else row = urwid.AttrMap(row, {None: wrap_spec}) res.append(row) return res def _make_line_column( self, format_str: str, line_num: int, do_hl: bool ) -> urwid.Text: text = format_str.format(line_num) spec = return urwid.Text((spec, text)) def _should_hl_line(self, line_num: int) -> bool: for hl_range in self.hl_lines: if line_num in hl_range: return True return False