Source code for lookatme.widgets.line_fill

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import urwid

[docs]class LineFill(urwid.Widget): """Test""" VERTICAL = "vertical" HORIZONTAL = "horizontal" _sizing = frozenset([urwid.BOX, urwid.FLOW]) _selectable = False ignore_focus = True def __init__( self, beg_chars: str, fill_char: str, end_chars: str, beg_spec: Optional[urwid.AttrSpec] = None, fill_spec: Optional[urwid.AttrSpec] = None, end_spec: Optional[urwid.AttrSpec] = None, orientation: str = VERTICAL, ): """ """ self.beg_chars = beg_chars self.beg_spec = beg_spec self.fill_char = fill_char self.fill_spec = fill_spec self.end_chars = end_chars self.end_spec = end_spec self.orientation = orientation super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
[docs] def rows(self, size: Tuple, focus: bool = False): if self.orientation == self.HORIZONTAL: return 1 else: raise urwid.WidgetError("VERTICAL LineFill must be used as a box")
[docs] def pack(self, size: Tuple, focus: bool = False): if self.orientation == self.VERTICAL: return (1, size[1]) else: return (size[0], 1)
[docs] def render(self, size: Tuple, focus: bool = False): if self.orientation == self.HORIZONTAL: return self._render_horizontal(size, focus) else: return self._render_vertical(size, focus)
def _render_horizontal(self, size: Tuple, focus: bool = False): maxcols = size[0] return urwid.Text(self._get_markups(maxcols)).render(size, focus) def _render_vertical(self, size: Tuple, focus: bool = False): pile_widgets = [] maxrows = size[1] for markup in self._get_markups(maxrows): pile_widgets.append(("pack", urwid.Text(markup))) return urwid.Pile(pile_widgets).render(size, focus) def _get_markups(self, maxchars: int): markups = [] mid = (maxchars // 2) - 1 for idx in range(maxchars): markup = self._markup(self.fill_spec, self.fill_char) if idx <= mid and idx < len(self.beg_chars): markup = self._markup(self.beg_spec, self.beg_chars[idx]) elif idx >= maxchars - len(self.end_chars): end_idx = len(self.end_chars) - (maxchars - idx) markup = self._markup(self.end_spec, self.end_chars[end_idx]) markups.append(markup) return markups def _markup(self, spec: Union[None, urwid.AttrSpec], text: str): if spec is None: return text if ( isinstance(text, tuple) and len(text) == 2 and isinstance(text[0], urwid.AttrSpec) ): return text return (spec, text)