Source code for lookatme.widgets.table

Defines a basic Table widget for urwid

import re
from collections import defaultdict
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional

import dateutil.parser
import urwid

import lookatme.config as config
import lookatme.render.markdown_block as markdown_block
import lookatme.utils as utils
from lookatme.render.context import Context

[docs]class SortSetting: DEFAULT = 0 ASCENDING = 1 DESCENDING = 2 _MAX = 3 def __init__(self): self._header_idx = 0 self.sort_direction = self.DEFAULT self._log = config.get_log().getChild("TableSort")
[docs] def set_indicator(self, idx, text: str): if idx != self._header_idx: return text if self.sort_direction == self.DEFAULT: return text elif self.sort_direction == self.ASCENDING: return "↑" + text[1:] else: return "↓" + text[1:]
[docs] def get_header_idx(self) -> int: return self._header_idx
[docs] def set_header_idx(self, idx): if idx != self._header_idx: self.sort_direction = self.ASCENDING else: self.sort_direction = (self.sort_direction + 1) % self._MAX self._header_idx = idx self._log.debug( "Set new header idx, sort direction: {}".format(self.sort_direction) )
[docs] def sort_data(self, contents: List[Tuple[int, bytes]]) -> List[int]: """Sort the provided data based on the bytes values in the tuples""" if self.sort_direction == self.DEFAULT: return [x[0] for x in contents] casting = self.get_casting([x[1] for x in contents]) return [ x[0] for x in sorted( contents, key=lambda x: casting(x[1]), reverse=(self.sort_direction == self.DESCENDING), ) ]
[docs] def get_casting(self, data: List[bytes]) -> Callable: tests = [ # floats and ints (float, lambda x: re.match(r"^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?$", x.decode())), # hex numbers! ( lambda x: int(x, 16), lambda x: re.match(r"^-?0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$", x.decode()), ), # version number sorting ( lambda x: StrictVersion(re.sub(r"^v?(.*)$", r"\1", x.decode())), lambda x: re.match(r"v?\d+(\.\d+)+", x.decode()) is not None, ), # fuzzy date parsing (dateutil.parser.parse, lambda x: dateutil.parser.parse(x) is not None), # default, no change (lambda x: x, lambda _: True), ] for conversion, test_fn in tests: all_match = True for item in data: try: res = test_fn(item) except Exception: all_match = False break if not res: all_match = False break if all_match: return conversion return lambda x: x
[docs]class Table(urwid.Pile): signals = ["change"] def __init__(self, ctx: Context, header: Dict, body: Optional[Dict]): """Create a new table""" self.ctx = ctx self.header = header self.header_rows = [] self.validate_row_container(self.header) self.body = body self.body_rows = [] if self.body is not None: self.validate_row_container(self.body) self.normalize_body() self.num_columns = 0 self.sort_setting = SortSetting() = config.get_style()["table"] self.cell_spacing =["column_spacing"] self.spec_general = self.ctx.spec_general self.spec_text = self.ctx.spec_text self.header_spec = utils.spec_from_style(["header"]) self.header_spec_text = utils.overwrite_spec(self.spec_text, self.header_spec) self.header_spec_general = utils.overwrite_spec( self.spec_general, self.header_spec ) self.even_spec = utils.spec_from_style(["even_rows"]) self.even_spec_text = utils.overwrite_spec(self.spec_text, self.even_spec) self.even_spec_general = utils.overwrite_spec(self.spec_general, self.even_spec) self.odd_spec = utils.spec_from_style(["odd_rows"]) self.odd_spec_text = utils.overwrite_spec(self.spec_text, self.odd_spec) self.odd_spec_general = utils.overwrite_spec(self.spec_general, self.odd_spec) self._log = config.get_log().getChild("Table") if header is not None: self.num_columns = len(header["children"][0]["children"]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid table: could not determine # of columns") if self.header is not None: if len(self.header["children"]) != 1: raise ValueError("Token error: thead should only have one child!") self.header_rows = self.create_cells( self.header["children"], base_spec=ctx.spec_text_with( utils.spec_from_style(["header"]) ), header=True, ) if self.body is not None: self.body_rows = self.create_cells(self.body["children"]) self.column_maxes = self.calc_column_maxes() self._log.debug("colum_maxes: {}".format(self.column_maxes)) self.total_width = sum(self.column_maxes.values()) + ( self.cell_spacing * (self.num_columns - 1) ) super().__init__([urwid.Text("hello")]) self.contents = self.gen_contents() self._invalidate()
[docs] def normalize_body(self): """Normalize the cells in the body - truncate all cells that go beyond the number of headers, and add blank cells if we're missing any """ if self.body is None: return num_cols = len(self.header["children"][0]["children"]) for row in self.body["children"]: while len(row["children"]) < num_cols: row["children"].append({"type": "td_open", "children": []}) # truncate the number of cells row["children"] = row["children"][:num_cols]
[docs] def validate_row(self, row: Dict): """Validate that the provided row is a tr_open, with th_open or td_open children. """ if not isinstance(row, dict): raise ValueError("Table rows must be a dict") if row["type"] not in ("thead_open", "tr_open"): raise ValueError("Rows must be of type thead_open or tr_open") for child in row["children"]: if child["type"] not in ("th_open", "td_open"): raise ValueError( "Row cells must be th_open or td_open, was {!r}".format( child["type"] ) )
[docs] def validate_row_container(self, container: Dict): """Validate that the list of rows is valid. See ``validate_row`` for more details. """ if not isinstance(container, dict): raise ValueError("Rows must be a contained in a thead or tbody token") for row in container["children"]: self.validate_row(row)
[docs] def watch_header(self, idx: int, w: urwid.Widget): """Watch the provided widget w for changes""" signals = getattr(w, "signals", []) if "click" in signals and getattr(w, "header_idx", None) is None: w.header_idx = idx urwid.connect_signal(w, "click", self.on_header_click)
[docs] def on_header_click(self, w: urwid.Widget): self._log.debug("Header idx {} was clicked".format(w.header_idx)) self.sort_setting.set_header_idx(w.header_idx) self._log.debug("Regenerating contents") self.contents = self.gen_contents() return True
[docs] def get_table_rows(self): """Get the current rows in this table. This is where sorting should happen! """ res = [] + self.header_rows sort_data = [] sort_header_idx = self.sort_setting.get_header_idx() for idx, row in enumerate(self.body_rows): sort_cell_lines = row[sort_header_idx].render((100,)).text sort_cell_data = b"".join(x.strip() for x in sort_cell_lines) sort_data.append((idx, sort_cell_data)) sorted_indices = self.sort_setting.sort_data(sort_data) self._log.debug("new sort indices: {!r}".format(sorted_indices)) body_tokens = [] for idx in sorted_indices: if self.body is None: raise Exception("Table body was unexpectedly None") body_tokens.append(self.body["children"][idx]) if sorted_indices == list(range(len(self.body_rows))): body_rows = self.body_rows else: body_rows = self.create_cells(body_tokens) return res + body_rows
[docs] def gen_contents(self): """Calculate and set the column maxes for this table""" self.total_width = sum(self.column_maxes.values()) + ( self.cell_spacing * (self.num_columns - 1) ) new_contents = [] for row_idx, row in enumerate(self.get_table_rows()): _, row_spec_general = row_specs = self.row_specs(row_idx, row_idx == 0) new_columns = self.gen_cells(row, row_specs) new_column_w = urwid.Columns(new_columns) new_column_w = self.ctx.wrap_widget(new_column_w, row_spec_general) new_contents.append((new_column_w, ("weight", 1))) return new_contents
[docs] def gen_cells( self, row: List[urwid.Pile], row_specs: Tuple[urwid.AttrSpec, urwid.AttrSpec] ) -> List[Tuple[int, urwid.Pile]]: row_spec_text, row_spec_general = row_specs res = [] for idx, cell_pile in enumerate(row): # add the padding between columns if we're not the first column if idx > 0: padding_text = " " * self.cell_spacing padding_w = urwid.Text((row_spec_general, padding_text)) if cell_pile.is_header and self.body_rows: div_text =["header_divider"]["text"] * len(padding_text) # in case the divider text is more than one char, we'll # truncate it div_text = div_text[: len(padding_text)] div_spec = utils.overwrite_spec( row_spec_text, utils.spec_from_style(["header_divider"]), ) padding_w = urwid.Pile( [ padding_w, urwid.Text((div_spec, div_text)), ] ) padding_w = self.ctx.wrap_widget(padding_w, spec=row_spec_general) res.append(padding_w) if cell_pile.is_header and self.body_rows: for w in cell_pile.widget_list: self.watch_header(idx, utils.core_widget(w)) divider = urwid.Divider(["header_divider"]["text"]) div_char =["header_divider"]["text"] div_spec = utils.overwrite_spec( row_spec_text, utils.spec_from_style(["header_divider"]) ) markup = div_char * self.column_maxes[idx] markup = self.sort_setting.set_indicator(idx, markup) if div_spec is not None: markup = (div_spec, markup) divider = urwid.Text(markup) divider = self.ctx.wrap_widget(divider, spec=row_spec_text) cell_pile = urwid.Pile(cell_pile.widget_list + [divider]) res.append((self.column_maxes[idx], cell_pile)) return res
[docs] def calc_column_maxes(self): column_maxes = defaultdict(int) # list of urwid.Columns for row in self.header_rows + self.body_rows: # list of urwid.Piles for idx, cell in enumerate(row): curr_col_width = utils.packed_widget_width(cell) column_maxes[idx] = max(column_maxes[idx], curr_col_width) return column_maxes
def _calc_canvas_width(self, canvas): canvas_max = 0 for row in canvas.content(): row_width = 0 for spec, _, text in row: if spec is None: continue row_width += len(text) if row_width > canvas_max: canvas_max = row_width return canvas_max
[docs] def create_cells( self, rows, base_spec=None, header=False ) -> List[List[urwid.Pile]]: """Create the rows for the body, optionally calling a modifier function on each created cell Text. The modifier must accept an urwid.Text object and must return an urwid.Text object. """ res = [] if base_spec is not None: self.ctx.spec_push(base_spec) # should be a list of [tr_open, ...] for row_idx, row in enumerate(rows): row_spec_text, row_spec_general = self.row_specs(row_idx + 1, header) rend_row = [] # should be a list of [td_open, ...] or [th_open, ...] for idx, cell in enumerate(row["children"]): if idx >= self.num_columns: break cell_container = urwid.Pile([]) cell_container.is_header = header with self.ctx.use_tokens(cell["children"]): with self.ctx.use_container_tmp(cell_container): with self.ctx.use_spec(row_spec_general, text_only=False): with self.ctx.use_spec(row_spec_text, text_only=True): markdown_block.render_all(self.ctx) # set alignment for all text widgets for widget in cell_container.widget_list: widget = utils.core_widget(widget) if isinstance(widget, urwid.Text): widget.align = cell.get("align", "left") or "left" rend_row.append(cell_container) # we'll adjust the spacing later! res.append(rend_row) if base_spec is not None: self.ctx.spec_pop() return res
[docs] def row_specs( self, row_idx: int, is_header: bool ) -> Tuple[urwid.AttrSpec, urwid.AttrSpec]: """Return the row-specific specs (text and general) for the given row""" if is_header: row_spec_text = self.header_spec_text row_spec_general = self.header_spec_general elif row_idx % 2 == 1: row_spec_text = self.even_spec_text row_spec_general = self.even_spec_general else: row_spec_text = self.odd_spec_text row_spec_general = self.odd_spec_general return (row_spec_text, row_spec_general)