lookatme.output.base module

Base module for lookatme output formats

class lookatme.output.base.BaseOutputFormat[source]

Bases: object

NAME = None
do_format_pres(pres: lookatme.pres.Presentation, output_path: str)[source]

Perform the action of outputting the presentation to this specific output format.

format_pres(pres: lookatme.pres.Presentation, output_path: str, options: Dict[KT, VT])[source]

Perform the action of outputting the presentation to this specific output format.

opt(option_name: str, category: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Fetch the oiption named option_name. If the category isn’t specified, the current formatter’s options are used.

This function also ensures the defaults are used if the key doesn’t already exist in the provided options dict.

render_template(template_name: str, context: Dict[str, Any]) → str[source]
class lookatme.output.base.BaseOutputFormatMeta[source]

Bases: type

exception lookatme.output.base.MissingExtraDependencyError[source]

Bases: Exception

exception lookatme.output.base.OutputOptionError[source]

Bases: ValueError