Source code for lookatme.config

Config module for lookatme

import logging
import os
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Any, Dict

import lookatme.themes
from lookatme.utils import dict_deep_update

LOG = None
STYLE: Dict[str, Any] = {}

[docs]def get_log() -> logging.Logger: if LOG is None: raise Exception("LOG was None") return LOG
[docs]def get_style() -> Dict: if not STYLE: raise Exception("STYLE was empty!") return STYLE
[docs]def get_style_with_precedence( theme_mod: ModuleType, direct_overrides: Dict, style_override: str ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return the resulting style dict from the provided override values. """ # style override order: # 1. theme settings styles = lookatme.themes.ensure_defaults(theme_mod) # 2. inline styles from the presentation dict_deep_update(styles, direct_overrides) # 3. CLI style overrides if style_override is not None: styles["style"] = style_override # type: ignore return styles
[docs]def set_global_style_with_precedence( theme_mod, direct_overrides, style_override ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Set the lookatme.config.STYLE value based on the provided override values """ global STYLE STYLE = get_style_with_precedence( theme_mod, direct_overrides, style_override) return STYLE
# default to the current working directory - this will be set later by # pres:Presentation when reading the input stream SLIDE_SOURCE_DIR = os.getcwd()