Source code for lookatme.contrib.file_loader

This module defines a built-in contrib module that enables external files to
be included within the slide. This is extremely useful when having source
code displayed in a code block, and then running/doing something with the
source data in a terminal on the same slide.

import os
import subprocess
from typing import Dict

import yaml
from marshmallow import Schema, fields

import lookatme.config
from lookatme.exceptions import IgnoredByContrib

[docs]def user_warnings(): """Provide warnings to the user that loading this extension may cause shell commands specified in the markdown to be run. """ return [ "Code-blocks with a language starting with 'file' may cause shell", " commands from the source markdown to be run if the 'transform'", " field is set", "See", " for more details", ]
[docs]class YamlRender:
[docs] @staticmethod def loads(data): return yaml.safe_load(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def dumps(data): return yaml.safe_dump(data)
[docs]class LineRange(Schema): start = fields.Integer(dump_default=0, load_default=0) end = fields.Integer(dump_default=None, load_default=None)
[docs]class FileSchema(Schema): path = fields.Str() relative = fields.Boolean(dump_default=True, load_default=True) lang = fields.Str(dump_default="auto", load_default="auto") transform = fields.Str(dump_default=None, load_default=None) lines = fields.Nested( LineRange, dump_default=LineRange().dump(None), load_default=LineRange().dump(None) )
[docs] class Meta: render_module = YamlRender
[docs] def loads(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict: res = super(self.__class__, self).loads(*args, **kwargs) if res is None: raise ValueError("Could not loads") return res
[docs] def load(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict: res = super(self.__class__, self).load(*args, **kwargs) if res is None: raise ValueError("Could not load") return res
[docs]def transform_data(transform_shell_cmd, input_data): """Transform the ``input_data`` using the ``transform_shell_cmd`` shell command. """ proc = subprocess.Popen( transform_shell_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, _ = proc.communicate(input=input_data) return stdout
[docs]def render_code(token, body, stack, loop): """Render the code, ignoring all code blocks except ones with the language set to ``file``. """ lang = token["lang"] or "" if lang != "file": raise IgnoredByContrib file_info_data = token["text"] file_info = FileSchema().loads(file_info_data) # relative to the slide source if file_info["relative"]: base_dir = lookatme.config.SLIDE_SOURCE_DIR else: base_dir = os.getcwd() full_path = os.path.join(base_dir, file_info["path"]) if not os.path.exists(full_path): token["text"] = "File not found" token["lang"] = "text" raise IgnoredByContrib with open(full_path, "rb") as f: file_data = if file_info["transform"] is not None: file_data = transform_data(file_info["transform"], file_data) lines = file_data.split(b"\n") lines = lines[file_info["lines"]["start"]:file_info["lines"]["end"]] file_data = b"\n".join(lines) token["text"] = file_data token["lang"] = file_info["lang"] raise IgnoredByContrib