Source code for lookatme.render.markdown_inline

Defines render functions that work with mistune's markdown inline lexer render

import functools

import lookatme.config as config
import lookatme.render.pygments as pygments_render
import lookatme.utils as utils
from lookatme.contrib import contrib_first
from lookatme.tutorial import tutor
from lookatme.widgets.clickable_text import LinkIndicatorSpec

options = {}

[docs]def expanded_styles(fn): @functools.wraps(fn) def inner(text): styles = dict(fg="", bg="") if isinstance(text, str): return fn(text, styles) elif isinstance(text, list) and isinstance(text[0], str): return fn(text[0], styles) elif isinstance(text, list) and isinstance(text[0], tuple): attr_spec = text[0][0] styles = dict(fg=attr_spec.foreground, bg=attr_spec.background) text = text[0][1] return fn(text, styles) else: return fn(text, styles) return inner
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def placeholder(): """The starting point of the rendering. The final result will be this returned list with all inline markdown tokens translated into urwid objects """ return []
[docs]def render_no_change(text): """Render inline markdown text with no changes """ return [text]
[docs]@contrib_first def inline_html(text): """Renders inline html as plaintext :returns: list of `urwid Text markup <>`_ tuples. """ return render_no_change(text)
[docs]@contrib_first def text(text): """Renders plain text (does nothing) :returns: list of `urwid Text markup <>`_ tuples. """ return render_no_change(text)
[docs]@contrib_first def escape(text): """Renders escapes :returns: list of `urwid Text markup <>`_ tuples. """ return render_no_change(text)
[docs]@contrib_first def footnote_ref(key, index): """Renders a footnote :returns: list of `urwid Text markup <>`_ tuples. """ return render_no_change(key)
[docs]@tutor( "markdown", "images", r""" Vanilla lookatme renders images as links. Some extensions provide ways to render images in the terminal. Consider exploring: * [lookatme.contrib.image_ueberzug]( * This works on Linux only, with X11, and must be separately installed <TUTOR:EXAMPLE> ![image alt](https://image/url) </TUTOR:EXAMPLE> """ ) @contrib_first def image(link_uri, title, text): """Renders an image as a link. This would be a cool extension to render referenced images as scaled-down ansii pixel blocks. :returns: list of `urwid Text markup <>`_ tuples. """ return link(link_uri, title, text)
[docs]@tutor( "markdown", "emphasis", r""" <TUTOR:EXAMPLE> The donut jumped *under* the crane. </TUTOR:EXAMPLE> """ ) @expanded_styles @contrib_first def emphasis(text, old_styles): """Renders double emphasis. Handles both ``*word*`` and ``_word_`` :returns: list of `urwid Text markup <>`_ tuples. """ return [utils.styled_text(text, "italics", old_styles)]
[docs]@tutor( "markdown", "double emphasis", r""" <TUTOR:EXAMPLE> They jumped **over** the wagon </TUTOR:EXAMPLE> """ ) @expanded_styles @contrib_first def double_emphasis(text, old_styles): """Renders double emphasis. Handles both ``**word**`` and ``__word__`` :returns: list of `urwid Text markup <>`_ tuples. """ return [utils.styled_text(text, "underline", old_styles)]
[docs]@tutor( "markdown", "inline code", r""" <TUTOR:EXAMPLE> The `OddOne` class accepts `Table` instances, converts them to raw pointers, forces garbage collection to run. </TUTOR:EXAMPLE> """ ) @expanded_styles @contrib_first def codespan(text, old_styles): """Renders inline code using the pygments renderer. This function also makes use of the coding style: .. code-block:: yaml style: monokai :returns: list of `urwid Text markup <>`_ tuples. """ res = pygments_render.render_text(" " + text + " ", plain=True) return res
[docs]@contrib_first def linebreak(): """Renders a line break :returns: list of `urwid Text markup <>`_ tuples. """ return ["\n"]
[docs]@tutor( "markdown", "strikethrough", r""" <TUTOR:EXAMPLE> I lost my ~~mind~~ keyboard and couldn't type anymore. </TUTOR:EXAMPLE> """ ) @expanded_styles @contrib_first def strikethrough(text, old_styles): """Renders strikethrough text (``~~text~~``) :returns: list of `urwid Text markup <>`_ tuples. """ return [utils.styled_text(text, "strikethrough", old_styles)]